quarta-feira, 31 de outubro de 2012

Conquistas Crysis 2

Can it run Crysis? 10(G)
Complete In at the Deep End. (Complete 'In at the Deep End').
Foreign Contaminant 10(G)
Escape the Battery Park evacuation center. (Escape da Battery Park evacuation center).
More than Human 15(G)
Assimilate alien tissue at the crash site. (Assimilar tecido alienígena no local do acidente).
False Prophet 15(G)
Find Nathan Gould. (Encontre Nathan Gould).
Internal Affairs 15(G)
Infiltrate the CELL facility at Wall Street. (Infiltre na 'CELL facility' na 'Wall Street').
Into the Abyss 20(G)
Infiltrate the alien hive. (Infiltrar na estratégia alienígena).
Once a Marine, Always a Marine 20(G)
Assist the Marines in Madison Square. (Ajudar os fuzileiros navais no 'Madison Square').
Hung Out to Dry 20(G)
Reach the Hargreave-Rasch building. (Alcançar a construção do 'Hargreave-Rasch).
Fire Walker 25(G)
Assist the evacuation at Bryant Park. (Ajudar a evacuação no 'Bryant Park').
Dark Night of the Soul 25(G)
Defend Central Station. (Defenda a Estação Central).
Crossroads of the World 25(G)
Complete the evacuation at Times Square. (Complete a evacuação na 'Times Square').
Theseus at Last 25(G)
Locate Jacob Hargreave. (Localize 'Jacob Hargreave').
Home Stretch 25(G)
Reach Central Park. (Alcance do 'Central Park').
Start Spreading the News 35(G)
Finish the single player campaign on any difficulty. (Concluir o único jogador campanha em qualquer dificuldade).
City That Never Sleeps 25(G)
Complete 6 levels on Veteran difficulty. (Complete 6 níveis na dificuldade Veteran).
Evolution 25(G)
Complete 12 levels on Veteran difficulty. (Complete 12 níveis na dificuldade Veteran).
Heart of Darkness 25(G)
Complete 6 levels on Supersoldier difficulty. (Complete 6 níveis na dificuldade supersoldier).
Medal of Honor 25(G)
Complete 12 levels on Supersoldier difficulty. (Complete 12 níveis na dificuldade supersoldier).
Men of Destiny 45(G)
Complete the single player campaign on Veteran difficulty. (Complete a campanha single player na dificuldade Veteran).
Supersoldier 65(G)
Complete the single player campaign on Supersoldier. (Completa a campanha para um jogador em Supersoldier).

Close Encounters 15(G)
Single Player: Stealth kill 25 enemies. (Single Player: Descreva matar 25 inimigos).

The Tourist 15(G)
Find all New York Souvenirs. (Encontrar todas as recordações de 'Nova York').

Fastball 15(G)
Kill 10 enemies by throwing an object at them. (Mate 10 inimigos jogando um objeto neles).
Death Grip 15(G)
Kill 10 enemies with grab and throw. (Mate 10 inimigos com garra e throw).
Popcorn 15(G)
Single Player: Kill 20 enemies with the Microwave cannon. (Single Player: Mate 20 inimigos com o canhão de microondas).

Two Heads Are Better Than One 15(G)
Single Player: Kill two enemies with a single bullet. (Single Player: Mate dois inimigos com uma única bala).
Blast Radius 15(G)
Single Player: Kill at least 3 enemies with a single grenade. (Single Player: matar pelo menos 3 inimigos com uma única granada).
Headhunter 15(G)
Single Player: Kill 4 enemies in a row with headshots. (Single Player: Mate 4 inimigos em uma fileira com headshots).
Death Slide 15(G)
Single Player: Kill 5 enemies while sliding. (Single Player: Mate 5 inimigos enquanto desliza).
Food for thought 10(G)
Kill a CELL operator with a giant donut in Lower Manhattan. (Mate o operador de uma célula com uma rosquinha gigante na 'Lower Manhattan').
Hole in One 10(G)
Throw an alien down the sinkhole in Dark Heart. (Jogue um estrangeiro até o sumidouro de 'Dark Heart').
Band of Brothers 15(G)
Keep all marines alive during the rescue in Semper Fi or Die. (Manter todos os marinheiros vivos durante o resgate em 'Semper Fi or Die').
Literary Agent 10(G)
Scan all of Richard Morgan's books in the NY public library. (Digitalizar todos os livros de 'Richard Morgan' na biblioteca pública de 'NY').
Stealth Assassin 15(G)
Re-route the power in Eye of the Storm without being detected. (Restore o poder em 'Eye of the Storm' sem ser detectado).
Crysis, What Crysis? 35(G)
Multiplayer: Reach Rank 50. (Multiplayer: Rank chegar a 50).
League of Your Own 25(G)
Multiplayer: Finish top of the Scoreboard. (Multiplayer: terminar em primeiro o 'Scoreboard').
Dressed to Kill 30(G)
Multiplayer: Fully level the Nanosuit. (Multiplayer: Totalmente nível do 'Nanosui').
Tooled Up 30(G)
Multiplayer: Unlock all the weapons. (Multiplayer: desbloquear todas as armas).
The Cleaner 25(G)
Get 1 of each Skill Kill. (Ganhe 1 de cada 'Kill Skill').
Cry Spy 25(G)
Multiplayer: Get 30 Spot Assists. (Multiplayer: Consiga 30 Spot Assistências).
Jack of all Trades 25(G)
Multiplayer: Win a match of every game mode. (Multiplayer: Ganhe uma partida de cada modo de jogo).
Dedication 25(G)
Play online 6 months after your first time. (Jogue online seis meses depois de sua primeira vez).
Modern Art 5(G)
Unlock 150 Dog Tag displays. (Desbloquear 150 Dog mostra Tag).
Try Me 10(G)
Complete 3 Xbox LIVE matches. (Complete 3 jogos Xbox LIVE).
The Collector 15(G)
Collect 20 Dog Tags. (Colete 20 Dog Tags).
Maximum Module 20(G)
Multiplayer: Fully level a Suit Module. (Multiplayer: Totalmente nível de 'Suit Module').
Team Player 10(G)
Be in a squad of at least 3 people and play a full game. (Seja em uma equipe de pelo menos 3 pessoas e um jogo completo).
Nomad 10(G)
Multiplayer: Play a full game on every map. (Multiplayer: Jogue um jogo completo sobre cada mapa).
I Am Not A Number 10(G)
Create your first custom class. (Crie sua primeira aula personalizada).

Conquistas secretas:

Secret Achievement 10(G)
Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement. (Continue jogando para desbloquear esta conquista secreta).

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